How powerful is “Thought “

I just spent over an hour with a person on the phone who has an amazing idea that could change the way people do things. I could see the advantages of bringing this concept to fruition. As we engaged in this conversation, my mind became flooded with my inner memories and teachings that I have acquired over the years. Though I could see the vision of a future success in the subject at hand, there was a pause within my heart… An energy of imbalance was in the air. It wasn’t long before I found myself drifting in the sea of self centering. Success as the forecasting dream of the conversation, attempted to paint and expand of a future of amazement, caution, became the choice of words with which to describe this moment. (more…)

Spiritual communication is tangible… for it functions on the principle of frequencies. Lockheed has created the TR3 which is a new craft that travels faster than the speed of light. How is this possible?

Because it uses a completely new and different method which generates it’s own subspace field which is considered a warp which allows it to slide through subspace while warping space around itself. Actually it is probably an old method but new to the common knowledge bank. The cause at the core of its engine is a magnetic spinning velocity created by super high voltage and magnetic type mercury concept encased in a toroidal coil shaped like a doughnut where the coil is wrapped around the outside of a metallic shell similar to a hollow doughnut, another high voltage coil going through the center thus causing an extreme temporal swirl of magnetism which creates a field capable of sliding through space at extreme speeds. This principle exhibits signs of Tesla’s work.
The galaxy is a large model of this same effect. The Sun and our solar system is also a similar model and each of our planets rest in the harmonic well of the Sun’s generated field. The asteroid belt is an unfortunate accident of a planetary body sliding out of one of the harmonic fields and thus it’s destruction.
Sand and water exhibit harmonic alignment as frequency energy is applied to it.
When the frequencies are untrue of off harmonics they manifest chaos. When they are in harmonic correction they exhibit amazing shapes and profound designs.
Music functions on the same principle as does light, taste, smell and touch. They are all a function of harmonically aligned energy .
Our spirits are an assembly of frequencies… fast and slowed down energy which manifests itself as mass or matter… a simple equation of E = mc 2. All physical elements are simply energy in a controlled slow harmonic (Vibration or Velocity).
A simple example that might better be understood would be to view the effects of music upon different elements modulated by the energy of sound… There is so much more beyond the limited arena of music but you will get the idea.
To actually receive communication from the spiritual creators, one must seek self frequency purification to receive pure forms of communication. We need purification in order to be easily modulated or to become a receptor of a communicative energy that goes beyond the common senses most are familiar with. Sand when distracted by another element such as moisture, causes a blockage or chaos during exposure to perfect frequency generation. Audible frequencies introduced to a distracted element, are unable to infuse harmonic balance and true representations of the correct frequency being sent or communicated. Pure signals are distorted beyond recognition of the original signal when the receiving medium is not pure enough to faithfully represent that which is transmitted.
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Distractions are what cause our spirits to embrace chaos, thus purification as a receptor is not optimally possible. When we are drenched in purification as in spiritual study and meditation and silence, we can become one with God’s energy as we attempt to find the center frequency and amplify that within ourselves. Centered frequencies exist in all things… music… color… smell… touch… taste… and so much more that our senses do not obviously reveal. The rainbow’s center frequency is green and music’s frequency is A432… and so on. In the spectrographic analysis display of all things, you will find the dominant centered frequency. The human body as well as the Earth share commonalities in their frequency centers.
Spiritual communication in general with humans, carries a dominant centered frequency and when one learns to recognize it, unfolded to the mind and heart, all the secrets of the Universe will be available for the sensing. As in simple radio frequency transmissions, a carrier wave if modulated by more than one source can cause the signal being sent to become distorted and unrecognized. Our own essence can be compared to such principles in that if we cannot learn to embrace silence and peace and center our own energy, we will be unable to reflect inwardly, let alone outwardly, any spiritual information meant for us to receive. Look around at today’s modern society and you will find a storm of information continually spread upon the feasting table. This information storm serves to silence true wisdom which can be received from much greater intelligences operating on a much higher and quieter frequency.

The above chalkboard is only a quick representation of the original presentation given and is by no means complete in the deeper explanation of the subject, This is where you will have to realize we are just scratching the surface and trying to inspire you to fill in the gaps and expand on this principle. Oh… and the image is not quite hi res enough to see clearly due to the only camera available at the time. Sorry, but a picture is only the surface… Think about it, you will find the explanation before the chalkboard photo is clear enough to start the thought journey into physics and spiritual communication. Have fun!
[whohit]Spiritual Communication[/whohit]
After watching this, ask yourself a deep question and don’t answer it right away.
“The existence we know right now, could it have been seeded into this bubble we call the Universe by a super intelligence capable of injecting the massive energy that we call the big bang?” “Could this all be by design and not chance?”
E = mc 2

Light is energy 670 Million Miles per hour.
The speed of light: 186000 Miles per second.
A bit fast for anyone to run and catch up to it… but if you could? what then would happen to the matter that makes up your body?
Speed is the key here… Whether the speed attained of any object is traveling in one direction or vibrating in a more predictable location, it is speed which becomes the magic element of the transformation. This is the bridge between matter and energy.
If matter is accelerated to the speed of light fully encompassing all of its mass, it will transform into energy or in other words light, electromagnetic radiation.
The opposite holds true… if energy is existing at a speed slower than the speed of light, it also will transform. It will transform into mass or matter.
If we were efficient at making this transformation complete with no errors in the process, we would find that matter would hold within it’s embodiment so much more energy than you could imagine. Coming from say a small part of mass or matter… say a spoonful of water if efficiently transformed could create enough power to light all of New York city.
Energy equals Mass times the square of the speed of light. Simply put, Mass or matter is one in the same as energy or light.
What this means is… If you could harness light or energy and command it to obey your every command, you could use it to control mass or matter. It is easy to ask a beam of light to disrupt mass and cause it to transform into something else. A high powered Laser beam can be directed at matter and cause that matter to melt or catch fire but nonetheless to transform. Transform is the key word here… not disappear… for matter cannot be destroyed but merely changed into another form.
Let me give you something to think about:
You have a body of mass or matter. Somewhere inside is the elusive magic that makes you different from a rock. You are wondrously thinking and reasoning, whereas the rock is not.
Looking into both your bodies, you and the rock, you both share something in common… You are both made of atoms and those atoms at their very heart are controlled by light / energy.
That difference between you and the rock is the magic of life… Your Intelligence or in other words thinking and reasoning light / energy.
Imagine if you will a simple mind exercise.
Erase your body and everything you can see that is made of mass or matter and all you have left is space… but still there is no erasing the core of who or what you are… Your thinking and reasoning side… The part of you that does all of the thought processes.
light two candles and bring the flames together… They become one flame and a larger one at that. Light loves light and will seek it’s own. Light is mass which vibrates or travels at the speed of light. Your very center core is light but with the ability to think and reason or in other words vibrate at various frequencies… You are light… Light seeks its own… Light can be controlled and from a different perspective, light can encompass mass and cause it to speed up thus creating more light… light can control mass. increase the light energy that is a part of you and you become an embodied entity of light.
With more gathered light surrounding your thinking core, you can progress into light controlling matter… All one in the same and you will find beneath your physical body is a mirrored body of light. Your body is controlled by that mirrored body of light and your body of light is controlled by your Intelligence which is made of light but with the extra feature of thinking and reasoning. This intelligence is the engine that is at the center of you.
The very center of you is light which controls more light which controls matter. Do you see?
Your thoughts are capable of fully controlling your physical body, healing it, improving it or just the opposite… causing sickness and even death. There is so much more power within you than you know.
If you believe in a supreme creator, use this thought exercise and work through the process it would have taken a thinking and reasoning Intelligence to be able to control light and then matter and in time create this physical Universe as you now know it. This really is a simple thought exercise that can truly open your mind. You are made of the same thing that supreme creator is made of and like children to a father, it only takes time to learn all of the secrets to controlling the Universe of physics.
E = mc 2
is why life is. Death is only a transformation. Your energy may separate from your physical body but in the end you will never lose one micro particle that makes up who you are… in fact you may gain as you progress through eternity gathering more light and energy as you become more than you could possibly imagine.
The goal of complete happiness is to allow your Intelligence to exist at high speed energy and slow speed matter at the same time. This tiny journey of Earth is but a small moment in your journey throughout forever.
Don’t forget however the full equation of E = mc 2 because just to take you one step further… This thought exercise was simplified to help you get some sort of understanding… and now we finalize it all with finishing of the equation…. In order to actually attain Mass or Matter transforming into energy we have to take it one step further by finishing the equation… The squared part of the equation takes the speed of transformation up to 90 Quadrillion. The Mass of the nucleus turning into energy… Energy and Matter all one in the same… The only difference? Speed.