When considering what raw elements make up this Universe, the existence comes in some pretty simple packages. Space, the place to put everything. Light and darkness. Energy and matter.
Simply put, Light and energy are basically the same thing, just varying in frequency and intensity.
To simplify even further, matter and energy are also the same thing and also vary in frequency and intensity.
We humans are simply light, energy, matter and yes, we too vary in frequency and intensity.
You could say we actually are beings of light even though you may be observing us at this present moment as basic matter.
There is something different about being human or in other words, a living and breathing being.
On the surface you might say we are a blend of water and chemicals and somewhere inside a bit of energy but when you take higher scientific thought processes into consideration, it could be said that the only thing stopping us from being brilliant light entities is the frequency at which we vibrate. So with that thought and the present lack of a higher vibration, we are indeed entities of light.
Have you ever watched fire? Though it is a chemical process, it is still light. If you could observe fire on the quantum level, you would see something a kin to organized chaos. Chaos, because it is in a high speed reaction, dancing and sparkling with excitement. Organized, because despite it’s frenzied expressions, it stays contained with it’s dancing partners. It stays where the fuel is, where other partners of fire reside. Oh sure once in a while you might see a spark take to the sky like an ascending shooting star but at that moment you will also see that it’s life expectancy is short lived.
We are not unlike fire. Burning deep inside of us is a light that thirsts not only for fuel but for interconnection of light energy. In other words, where there is fuel and other partners of light, that is where you will find we are most at ease and in our element.
I am sure you could imagine that fire’s most feared enemy is cold empty space void of fuel and oxygen. It means the end of fire, if that becomes the jumping off point for fire.
From a distance, the Sun seems like a giant light bulb filled with warmth and illumination. A closer look at the Sun, of course with protection and a high powered telescope, one can observe organized chaos as trillions of fire partners dancing hand in hand all self contained in the giant sphere that is responsible for holding and enter solar system in perfect balance. Without the Sun, every planet now circling that great ball of light would drift off into icy space never to be seen again.
Remember, I said frequency and intensity. Though we do not presently glow as brilliant as the Sun nor with such intensity, we are very similar in the dance of organized chaos.
Each and every one of us come into this life surrounded by light. Surrounded by matter that is simply slower frequency light. Not a one of us have entered this world without first emerging from the safety of a womb. Encircled in the energy and heart of a mother.
Even though the mother of our body is not a brilliant glowing star, she is nevertheless warmth and energy dancing with electrical power within her own body and we to are wrapped in that amazing organized chaos before our birth into a cold and separated world.
No wonder most babies cry the moment they take that first breath. The simple shock of separation from warm energy into cold separation is what one could describe at least from the babies point of view, “A Disturbance In The Force”.
That disturbance continues throughout the mortal life that every human experiences. Like the ebb a flow of tides, we are washed in light and once again separated from light over and over again.
Birth, separation from a mother, an introduction to a parent or parents or even larger, a family. We are separated from a family or a trusted caregiver as we embark into school. We may even grow accustomed to school mates and consider their light a safety net or their cruelty and darkness a separation from peace and safety.
The cycle continues as we journey through this life. We find those who radiate a certain level of energy that shines on us like the Sun. We also find those who not unlike a black hole seem to suck the very life out of us.
Every human has an innate desire to be surrounded with warmth, light, safety, peace, kindness and, yes, love.
Simply walking on the path of life, the invitations come like a waterfall of multi temperate liquid pouring over us each day with various flavors of life’s unique variety as precious gems.
We are presented daily with clear and shining diamonds or dark and opaque jade. The colors are many and the brilliance ranges from bright to very dark.
The most alluring drive that life has to offer, is safety and comfort, love and respect, peace and stability.
All of these alluring gifts are constantly shattered upon the ground of chaos as outsiders seek to force their will and desires upon us.
If we had our choice we would opt for everything our minds could conceive of as good and stay in the self made bubble we consider to be our perfect organized fantasy for life. Instead we are presented with so many vast swings from great to horrible that anxiety and stress frosted with fear can become our most hated and yet best friend.

Abandonment Issues, they may say, as we ourselves and others seek to place a label on the origin of our psychological internal distortions. You lost a friend in death, a parent, a sibling, a lover or you have had a trusted person turn against you as you try and understand the confusion of betrayal. It all adds up until one day you are forced to withdraw into the darkness and loneliness of a dimly lit night sky or you strike back in fear or anger determined to put an end to all evil the world has cast upon you.
If only we could be wrapped in the arms of an angel and taken high above the clouds and given a bright look into the past, present and future with a true and complete understanding imparted to us from this wise and perfect angel, we would see the real reason behind all the organized chaos we had presently been snatched from.
Instead of escaping the organized chaos through suicide, mental collapse, egotistical wall building, narcissistic anger or artificial masquerades of joy, reaching for a higher meaning and understanding could be granted to us. This gift although slow in coming is the perfect gift in reaching perfection.
Supposed lemonade at it’s best recipe were offered to you or the freshest grape juice ripe from the vine passed over your eager tongue, something you had never tasted before and something you never wanted to be without once you had partaken. Maybe instead you were fooled into believing the sparkling crystal glass held the most exquisite flavor of all, only to be betrayed with the bitterness and pungent taste of vinegar.
This slow in coming gift is compassion and charity. Empathy can only be gained by walking the road of gold and thorns.
The only way to become a trusted friend is to have experienced betrayal. The only way to understand how to love is to have experienced hatred. The only way to understand loneliness is to have walked that path personally. The only way to understand loss is to have lost.
When we have walked the darkest of paths during this journey and then come into the light no matter how long it takes to find the light, the gift of wisdom will begin to grow from within.
Until we have been abandoned and then haunted by that event, we will not truly understand what it means to walk out of the darkness, gather light and comprehend true separation from that light which we were meant to be embraced by.
Life does have a plan and a meaning. Everyone of us will walk the paths of darkness and light. In time, though it may not seem like it, we will come to a clear outlook and understanding of the real meaning of life.
Like the burning of the Sun and the organized chaos that gives life to all within it’s reach, we to will one day reach out and bring light to those in darkness and in time lift all within the realm of our influence to a higher understanding of light and love because we will have walked through the haunting of abandonment and the gift of empathy will be ours.[whohit]Abandoned[/whohit]