Owl City

We love spirituality combined with extreme talent.  We have found that Adam has a deep connection to spirituality and love.  His music carries a fun but deeper hidden love for people and Devine power.  You know he is a child of God from the fruits of his labor.  We can’t say enough about the power that he has unleashed to heal humanity through righteous music.  It is a simple thing to say we love him very very much and his spirit that he has shared with the world.  Thank you Adam!  We truly love you! Go buy his stuff! He deserves it! Owlcity.com  Check out his YouTube also… https://www.youtube.com/@owlcity

Meaning of Songs

Behind The Scenes


Thank you Adam for all the love you have spread!!!!!!

Cascade Springs Nature Music Meditation

“Ponds Of Kansas” is one of about 20 new projects we are working on.  I think you’ll love the new ones, they are going to take a while as they are big projects.


Until we post the new videos, we hope you enjoy this little tiny meditation sample below.

Restore Balance in your life with this 1 hour meditation, relaxation, de-stress video.  Take a power nap or simply regain peace in your life and enjoy this nice simple piece of yoga style energy.

Peace In Africa

We are working on our newest project Music Video piece entitled “Peace In Africa”  This is going to be an 8 hour piece of relaxation, meditation, peace, higher spiritual energy, slow and calm to bring the soul…  body and mind into a peaceful balance and will also do magic for those who have problems with anxiety and difficulty sleeping.
Africa is legend to be the heart of the beginning of life here on Earth.  It was once the land of love and life and though the years of influx of different energies has clouded this planet with greed, contention, strife and an undesirable level of stress, the true peace and love that can be achieved in this lifetime on on this planet, comes from within.
As we all seek to embrace the most powerful energy this planet holds, we will come to the realization that is comes from within.
This new music video will help inspire and direct your energies inward and bring to an awakening your true connection with life as a whole and help you realize that you are the heart of the treasure of this Universe and the pure energy that can cause a global shift which can bring peace intertwined to all life that walks upon the sands of Mother Earth. (more…)