Ego Free Team Building

What is Ego Free Team Building?  They are nice events focused on facilitating others in sharing time and moments about themselves.  The best energy comes when a safe environment can be created which becomes a true ego static free zone.  It is like being on a playground with very young children, they can often be seen innocently striking up new relationships with simple phrases such as, “What’s your name?” “Do you want to play?” “How old are you?” and on and on.

Often the childlike approach successfully omits qualifying questions that adults casually weave into their interactions and almost habitually overlook the use of subjects such as job title, field of work, years of experience, living location, and the other subtle quiet interrogations that are used to create invisible class barriers.  If we are not careful, we may fail to see the bigger picture, we could very well limit the synergistic possibilities of germinating powerful relationships.

The key to rich successful relationship connections is to realize that everyone has significant jewels of wisdom and knowledge to share which can benefit the entire group.  One thing as adults; is the resourceful capability to avoid overstepping the designation of equality.  Allowing each individual to share meaningful information brings to the table, qualities that may be overlooked as complying with the group as a whole, as being important.

Yet, in a Jedi kind of way, it is meaningful when each of us allows for the space of gentle atmospheric energy to permeate the setting.  This can allow for unhindered expression and gentle wisdom to emerge.   This can entice those with personalities who may find ego-driven interaction a reason to withhold.  In the words of Dale Carnegie… “Creating meaningful relationships depends on who you have chosen to listen to the most.  Do you find you are listening to yourself or the one with whom you wish to create the relationship?”

The greater success comes from taking upon us the energy of service versus the energy of being served.  Though it may seem like a simple and innocent shift of the gear to rally a group to circle the wagons for your cause, it can be a more fulfilling experience to quietly take in the atmospheric energy of a group as a whole and seek to lift the entire group instead of the one or the few.


Haunting Abandonment

When considering what raw elements make up this Universe, the existence comes in some pretty simple packages.  Space, the place to put everything.  Light and darkness.  Energy and matter.

Simply put, Light and energy are basically the same thing, just varying in frequency and intensity.

To simplify even further, matter and energy are also the same thing and also vary in frequency and intensity.

We humans are simply light, energy, matter and yes, we too vary in frequency and intensity.

You could say we actually are beings of light even though you may be observing us at this present moment as basic matter.

There is something different about being human or in other words, a living and breathing being.

On the surface you might say we are a blend of water and chemicals and somewhere inside a bit of energy but when you take higher scientific thought processes into consideration, it could be said that the only thing stopping us from being brilliant light entities is the frequency at which we vibrate.  So with that thought and the present lack of a higher vibration, we are indeed entities of light.

Have you ever watched fire?  Though it is a chemical process, it is still light.  If you could observe fire on the quantum level, you would see something a kin to organized chaos.  Chaos, because it is in a high speed reaction, dancing and sparkling with excitement.  Organized, because despite it’s frenzied expressions, it stays contained with it’s dancing partners.  It stays where the fuel is, where other partners of fire reside.  Oh sure once in a while you might see a spark take to the sky like an ascending shooting star but at that moment you will also see that it’s life expectancy is short lived.

We are not unlike fire.  Burning deep inside of us is a light that thirsts not only for fuel but for interconnection of light energy.  In other words, where there is fuel and other partners of light, that is where you will find we are most at ease and in our element.

I am sure you could imagine that fire’s most feared enemy is cold empty space void of fuel and oxygen.  It means the end of fire, if that becomes the jumping off point for fire.

From a distance, the Sun seems like a giant light bulb filled with warmth and illumination.  A closer look at the Sun, of course with protection and a high powered telescope, one can observe organized chaos as trillions of fire partners dancing hand in hand all self contained in the giant sphere that is responsible for holding and enter solar system in perfect balance.  Without the Sun, every planet now circling that great ball of light would drift off into icy space never to be seen again.

Remember, I said frequency and intensity.  Though we do not presently glow as brilliant as the Sun nor with such intensity, we are very similar in the dance of organized chaos.

Each and every one of us come into this life surrounded by light.  Surrounded by matter that is simply slower frequency light.  Not a one of us have entered this world without first emerging  from the safety of a womb.  Encircled in the energy and heart of a mother.

Even though the mother of our body is not a brilliant glowing star, she is nevertheless warmth and energy dancing with electrical power within her own body and we to are wrapped in that amazing organized chaos before our birth into a cold and separated world.

No wonder most babies cry the moment they take that first breath.  The simple shock of separation from warm energy into cold separation is what one could describe at least from the babies point of view, “A Disturbance In The Force”.

That disturbance continues throughout the mortal life that every human experiences.  Like the ebb a flow of tides, we are washed in light and once again separated from light over and over again.

Birth, separation from a mother, an introduction to a parent or parents or even larger, a family.  We are separated from a family or a trusted caregiver as we embark into school.  We may even grow accustomed to school mates and consider their light a safety net or their cruelty and darkness a separation from peace and safety.

The cycle continues as we journey through this life.  We find those who radiate a certain level of energy that shines on us like the Sun.  We also find those who not unlike a black hole seem to suck the very life out of us.

Every human has an innate desire to be surrounded with warmth, light, safety, peace, kindness and, yes, love.

Simply walking on the path of life, the invitations come like a waterfall of multi temperate liquid pouring over us each day with various flavors of life’s unique variety as precious gems.

We are presented daily with clear and shining diamonds or dark and opaque jade.  The colors are many and the brilliance ranges from bright to very dark.

The most alluring drive that life has to offer, is safety and comfort, love and respect, peace and stability.

All of these alluring gifts are constantly shattered upon the ground of chaos as outsiders seek to force their will and desires upon us.

If we had our choice we would opt for everything our minds could conceive of as good and stay in the self made bubble we consider to be our perfect organized fantasy for life.  Instead we are presented with so many vast swings from great to horrible that anxiety and stress frosted with fear can become our most hated and yet best friend.

Abandonment Issues, they may say, as we ourselves and others seek to place a label on the origin of our psychological internal distortions. You lost a friend in death, a parent, a sibling, a lover or you have had a trusted person turn against you as you try and understand the confusion of betrayal.  It all adds up until one day you are forced to withdraw into the darkness and loneliness of a dimly lit night sky or you strike back in fear or anger determined to put an end to all evil the world has cast upon you.

If only we could be wrapped in the arms of an angel and taken high above the clouds and given a bright look into the past, present and future with a true and complete understanding imparted to us from this wise and perfect angel, we would see the real reason behind all the organized chaos we had presently been snatched from.

Instead of escaping the organized chaos through suicide, mental collapse, egotistical wall building, narcissistic anger or artificial masquerades of joy, reaching for a higher meaning and understanding could be granted to us.  This gift although slow in coming is the perfect gift in reaching perfection.

Supposed lemonade at it’s best recipe were offered to you or the freshest grape juice ripe from the vine passed over your eager tongue, something you had never tasted before and something you never wanted to be without once you had partaken.  Maybe instead you were fooled into believing the sparkling crystal glass held the most exquisite flavor of all, only to be betrayed with the bitterness and pungent taste of vinegar.

This slow in coming gift is compassion and charity.  Empathy can only be gained by walking the road of gold and thorns.

The only way to become a trusted friend is to have experienced betrayal.  The only way to understand how to love is to have experienced hatred.  The only way to understand loneliness is to have walked that path personally.  The only way to understand loss is to have lost.

When we have walked the darkest of paths during this journey and then come into the light no matter how long it takes to find the light, the gift of wisdom will begin to grow from within.

Until we have been abandoned and then haunted by that event, we will not truly understand what it means to walk out of the darkness, gather light and comprehend true separation from that light which we were meant to be embraced by.

Life does have a plan and a meaning.  Everyone of us will walk the paths of darkness and light.  In time, though it may not seem like it, we will come to a clear outlook and understanding of the real meaning of life.

Like the burning of the Sun and the organized chaos that gives life to all within it’s reach, we to will one day reach out and bring light to those in darkness and in time lift all within the realm of our influence to a higher understanding of light and love because we will have walked through the haunting of abandonment and the gift of empathy will be ours.[whohit]Abandoned[/whohit]

Lessons From The Deep

Lessons From The Deep:

While observing a deep sea creature, I noticed the flowing little tentacles which all seemed different and yet similar as they were tossed about by the under sea current.

A thought came to me that we here on Earth are somewhat similar as those individual strands of this creature and yet like the creature, we are also actually part of a larger entity.

We are not islands but are all connected together and our energies contribute to the well being of each other in a much bigger way than what we normally perceive.

We are truly one when we consider the bigger picture.


Master or Slave – The Dither Switch


An amazing world we live in.  We have so so much.  We are surrounded with many opportunities and technology.  Though we may look around and see poverty, disease, sadness, pain and despair, we can also look around and see wealth, health, joy, pleasure and hope.

With such a variety spread out on the table for the choosing, what becomes the deep meaning for such a wide diversity of circumstances and choices?
How do we make sense of the whirlwind of variety and how it applies to a singular simple meaning?  How is it that seemingly, some are granted what appears to be the perfect life while others are seemingly cursed with all manor of afflictions and oppression?
Is there a purpose for the inequality?  Is there any reasoning that can be applied to the perceived randomness of individual positions filled by the state of each individual human being?
How is it that when one takes a distant look at planet Earth, a conclusion can be reached that some play the roll of Slaves, while others play the roll of Master?
Is this what is really going on?
Is there something deeper and more profound?
Where is the turning point?  Where does that turning point become highly critical?  How can we grasp a better understanding of this turning point?  How can we find the foundation of why there even has to be a turning point.
The Dither Switch ……………………
What do I mean by “The Dither Switch”?
It is really quite simple.  Life itself is really quite simple and at the same time extremely complicated.  It depends on which side you are standing within reality as to how you perceive life.
Chaos versus Peace.
Internal versus External.
Who are you?  What are you?  What is your purpose of existing?  What is this time of mortal life really for?  Can the goal whatever it is, be achieved? …  and if it is achieved, will you know it?… if and when it happens?
From the day of your first breath, you begin a journey of wonder and awe.  Everything that comes your way seems so new and curious as if you were placed into a beautiful sand pile with every imaginable toy ever conceived.
Dew-WebThe morning dew that so gently dangles from a perfectly woven spider web.  The back light from a setting sun as the golden hour of light strikes the softly blown autumn leaves.  The curious and yet enchanting chirping of crickets on a calm summer night.  The magical fairy like dancing in the wind of a humming bird seeking life giving nectar.
The experiences seem endless as you are presented each new scenario while the clock softly ticks away bringing at an understandable pace, enlightenment of the world around you.
Though this ever wonder filled stream of information fills your mind with new things every day, a deeper secret lies beneath the surface of the water of life.
Some may live this life of wonder constantly taking in all that surrounds them and reaching further and further for knowledge and greater understanding as the world they live in seems to get bigger and bigger and their understanding of what they perceive grows.  Some even seem to find the world they live in to be inadequate in quenching their thirst for knowledge and they begin to look to the stars and imagine what lies beyond their own cage of protective atmosphere.  What would other new worlds have to offer?
Then, there are others who appear to be well grounded on planet Earth and find the knowledge they thirst after through technology as the information bar is lifted to new heights each and every day.  This never ending stream of information becomes so great that not one individual could assimilate it’s entire content if given multiple lifetimes.
Here is the miracle of technological information.  We stand at the precipice of a seeming endless river of knowledge free for the consuming and betterment of mankind.
Or do we?
Is the purpose of mankind to be an empty vessel needing to be filled with information and knowledge?  How much can one human consume in order to reach it’s fullest potential?  When does the mind reach a point of saturation that it no longer has room for any more reception?
Is reception of information the crowning glory of the ultimate achievement?  Is knowing the most information the defining position?  It has been said theInformation-Highway “Knowledge is Power”.  So is Power the ultimate destination? If so, is it true that knowledge is power?  and…, just what kind of power does it create?
If a human could ingest every bit of information that exists in one form or another on this planet, would they find that they had ascended to the ultimate position of power on this little rock so carefully positioned in this vast big universe?
Consider the difference between Knowledge and Wisdom.  Is there a difference?  Does it matter?
The human mind is wired to indulge in information.  Why?…  Simply, because it is a computer designed to take in information and process it.  It is a temporal device albeit biological, it is still a remarkable creation.
But is that truly the central core which makes up what we call life within this clay shell?  What controls the very thought process that steers the mind in the favorable directions it somehow magically chooses to go?
What is the key?
What lies at the heart of life?
What is the secret undiscovered truth that makes existence real and allows for the possibility of independent sentient beings?
Thinking Reasoning Light.
Though this might sound foreign to you, if you take some considerable time to meditate and search deep within your core, you will find that this will feel and ring true to you.
This concept is something that requires a paradigm shift in your thinking…  A serious paradigm shift.
Science for many years has viewed the beginning of this Universe and basically it’s very existence as a singular Big Bang Explosion that seemingly occurred from a zero point of origin and expanded in all directions to fill the immensity of space which represents the existence which we live in now.
However that scientific approach so narrowly concludes that all you see at present is all that exists.  It rarely takes into account a multi dimensional plane of existence already expressed as a reality due to the fact that our technological equipment which is based on this dimension has no real way of measuring any other dimensional plane and therefore the conclusion is that all that exists is only what you can detect.  Time has proven over the years that there is more to reality thanThe-Body-Limitationswhat can be physically detected.
Now with that old way of thinking also comes the thought process of limitations.  What do I mean by that?  Limitations put succinctly, focus on the fact that you are housed inside a body that cannot extend forever.  It has fingers and toes and limbs which have a limit to their length.  Your entire body has a limit as it does not physically extend any further than you can see.  Your ability to reach out and touch is limited by the distance you can extend yourself.  Even more evident is the fact that your brain is housed inside of a box albeit it round in shape and fitted with visual receptors, hear devices, and taste and smell sensors, it is still limited to being housed inside of a box.
With these obvious limitations, one is left to extrapolate that if the body is so limited and I am not able to levitate objects around me, I am not able to fly, I cannot read another’s mind and basically I have no real super powers that I am limited.  Since my body is limited and those around me in time seem to fade away and die and are no longer with me, therefore there must be an end to my existence and if there can be an end, then there can also be a beginning.
This is limited thinking self imposed by the very fact that you are operating in a limited dimension. This however does not mean that you are in whole, a part of a limited existence.  A dimensional slice of the pie is all that you are experiencing at the present moment and it is entirely impossible to determine if the slice you are experiencing is a mathematical prediction of what the entire pie’s nature is.
If you are able to slow down long enough and find peace within nature…  Allow complete peace to embrace your very being, think on this subject for a longer period of time, you would find the quick thoughts of impatience would normally spark and ask these simple questions…  “Is it possible that I came from nothing? Is it possible that I could have a destination and become nothing?”…  Now add a little more peace and patience and imagine yourself never existing…  Your very thought process will never allow you to reach that possibility as it will continually question that thought over and over again no matter how hard you try to consider the thought resolved.
This loop thought process occurs because the simple fact is…  That you have always existed.  This thought of existing forever is equally difficult to deal with because you are a limited physical being on the outside and it seems so easy for what you call “You” (referring to your physical manifestation) to be terminated and for a better word, “Extinguished” because all physical matter appears to be able to disappear or be changed into a different form.Light
The missing equation however, is that you are a multi dimensional being and your essence is energy with an always present ability to think and reason.  If you want to try and make visual sense of it then try to imagine millions of miles of empty black space and in the center of that black space is a flickering light that could almost be mistaken for a Firefly.  This little shimmering spec of light glows with brilliant colors as it changes from one thought pattern to another.
This is your core.  Your eternal core.  The very nature of existence.  Why do I say that?  Because when you understand what this simple little firefly like entity is, you will begin to understand how all life is, what it is today.  For now let’s not go too deep into that subject as it is already covered elsewhere in these pages.
Understand however, that this entity that is at the very core of who you are is pure energy with the unique ability of thinking and reasoning and this light with this capability is called an Intelligence.
There are countless Intelligences in the vast eternal never ending void of space which in fact is not actually a void at all.  Space is the natural home of all of the resources that make existence possible.  The space your are imagining is not exactly the space I am describing as the true vastness of space is multi dimensional and cannot all be seen while sojourning as a physical three dimensional being.  For simplicity sake, there is no need right now to start imagining what the multi dimensional space is like.  Science has been exploring quantum string theory and the ideas are smoothly beautiful in expressing greater depth in dimension of this breathing pulsating life we are so graced with.  Let it suffice right now that staring out into the darkness of night and imagining the starting point of existence as we know it as these shiny Intelligences.  This imagery experiement can be a resolving thought when attempting to truly understand limitless space and eternal life.
OceanBecause you are eternal and best of all a thinking and reasoning being capable of so much more than you can imagine right now, it is essential to understand that your energy dynamic is directly connect to the entire Universe and all life.  It is reminiscent of water droplets in the ocean which are atomically separate and yet one big whole.
You posses within you all of the secrets of the Universe.  Why then might you ask, am I not manifesting all of those secrets and solving the worlds problems right now.
To understand this you must first learn to understand the difference on an extremely mature mental level between atheism and creation.  If you choose to remain dis-observant and embrace atheism, you need not be here anyway.  On the other hand if you have any concept of a greater power with responsibilities of generating the life your are presently a part of, then read on.
We are mere travelers on a very long journey of discovery.  If all of the Universes secrets were given to us as we are entitled to and are a part of, then there would be no journey.  If there were no journey, there would be no need for time, though time is a created thing it still has a place in existence.  If there were no time, then there would be no expansion and if there were no expansion then all of life would become static and if all life were to become static, there would be no life.  If there were no life then all things would cease to exist.
The very nature of life is to expand continually and outwardly in all directions for ever.  We are a part of that expansion and the central event which was enacted by an Intelligence to unify the energy of all existence and bring all eternal entities to a high operational existence and…  all done through the power of thought.
Thought, when in complete control, is considered a unified field undisturbed by any chaotic external energy.  This very existence we are familiar with is here due to a perfect light thinking and reasoning entity, bringing about the unification of thought and light coalescing, into a much larger force.  This force, unifying all light or energy into one great purpose.
We are invited guests to this vast gigantic table of energy expansion, where we get to partake of the event as it progresses.
CreatorsWe are creators ourselves, endowed with every potential to create the same light wave of unifying generational forces as the original creator, yet as guests, the full understanding of how that is exactly possible can be dangerous if handed out like candy to uneducated wielders of power.
This whole process of life is focused on training core Intelligences to become compassionate, full of love and charity, kindness and understanding.  Many other traits will need to be acquired before the secret of energy unification is shared by one possessing more wisdom than we will ever acquire in a lifetime.
This life is a simple training ground, a stepping stone to a greater level of existence.
What is it then that we are trying to learn while the journey on Earth continues?
Information, knowledge and power can present themselves in various packages during this journey of distraction and chaos.
With so much opportunity, technology and so much information available for the taking…
Are we to become the Master or the Slave?
How do we know which one we are becoming?
It has been said to be in the world but not of the world…
If we continue to invest in the reception of what streams through the optical fibers of technology and fail to recognize that we are already an energy linked part of this Universe which has trillions of times more information and wisdom than any quantification of information this planet holds in it’s data archives and free floating exchanges, then we have failed to recognize what is required to become the Master.
If silence, peace, meditation, true personal one on one human face to face connections are allocated to a less important gravity, our ability to tap into our own inner creation power can become only a fading memory.  We may fail to recognize what is required to become a Master while quietly slipping without notice into a Slave state of existence.
There is an unspoken goal set out as if a treasure hunt.  This goal is the essence of perfection as it pertains to becoming one with all life surrounding us.  The sand pile is laced with exotic distractions and chaos.  They come in many colors, flavors and smells.  They beckon like a soothing shape shifter in the misty night with promises of safety, pleasure, power and intellect.  What they really are can best be described as a mirage that once destinated to, offers only empty nourishment to a soul capable of creating it’s own paradise.
The forms of chaos are many.  You can list your own as you recognize them.  They are however the often noticed things that have the louring fragrance into a world that is not real.  Addictions of chemical, virtual technology, greed based behavior, neglect of relationships and values that matter most, power manipulation of people places and things, ego base self ascensions, knowledge only acquisitions and so much more.  Each of these forms of chaos are not in and of themselves evil, yet, their capable polarization energies will no doubt serve to silence who you and we, really are.
FearA driving energy that can be tamed into a harmless whisper of wind is Fear.   Fear of hunger, Fear of death, Fear of poverty, Fear of loneliness, Fear of Ridicule, Fear of the loss of freedom and the list can go on and on and on.  Such driving energies can act as a catalystic igniter, driving one deeper and deeper into the distractive chaos that so plentifully offers relief from the fears of reality.
Only Peace can become the antidote for Fear and peace cannot be truly achieved without a conscious effort to deny chaos and distractions from your inner sanctuary…  The real you…  The one you may not even fully know or understand.  You cannot fight fear with force but instead must succumb to the worst scenario it has to offer.  Allow it to pass through you and around you knowing all the while it can never extinguish your eternal light.
It starts with quiet silence and the attempt to center oneself in what you might consider the now.  It is much more difficult then you may believe it to be.  Humans exist and survive on the accumulation of experience which within cosmic microseconds becomes the past.  Their desire to find a future filled with every golden dream and desire can become a fixation the left unchecked has a way of generating an unbalance capable of significant distortion to reality.
The past brings with it a certain security, in that it becomes a warning beacon to keep you in tune with a cautious approach to life itself.  The past also serves t halt progression if the ongoing journey fails to progress positively as it edges ever so close to the future.
To completely understand time and how it can be used to gracefully serve us on our journey, is to realize that it is only a tool being temporarily used to allow enough space to assimilate the lessons of life as we progress through an average of 60 to 100 years or so.  It is also an element which allows us to envision and become creators of unimaginable power.
Light-VortexThe true power comes when we finally harness the essence of “NOW” dispelling every thought of the past and the future with perfect control.  Hard to explain in words what this is actually like, but imagine the world around you as a whirling vortex of water and you are the energy which modulates every ripple in an ocean as large as the galaxy.  When you are in complete harmony with pure light and there is no deviation of the frequencies of your thought, all quantum energy around you can become one with your core essence and in complete unison from the center out, changing the environment around you by mere thought.
You only have so much time while on this Earth journey to determine what is real, what has true value, what is really important or to fall victim to a lifelong cage of chaotic distractions.
You are eternal.  This moment in time is here to teach to you the ability to stand firm with deep rooted value and stable energy that can bring light and truth to all creatures and mankind you come in contact with. The outcome of your journey can and will have an effect on the expansion as a whole in this light wave of existence throughout all time and beyond. You may not think there are such critical choices in front of you but as you learn to slow down and disconnect from the hive so easily generated by the social vortex, you will find your own vortex so much more capable of true wisdom and power as you learn to tap into the full essence of the Creator and become a Master yourself.  Your choice becomes a delicate dither as you switch from an information receiver to a wisdom creator.
[whohit]Master or Slave[/whohit]

Who Are You? Really?

Stop for just a moment and lay all of your prejudice aside.  Scientific, Religious, Technical, Emotional and everything else that can place you in a state of ego energy.
I am not asking you to agree with anything written here on this page, but I am asking you to take it in neutrally without any opinions that you may have formulated throughout your mortal life.  Just consider this an exercise in a different way of thinking and let it sink in as an alternative to how you perceive life.
You entered this mortal life like every person you know.  An embryo growing inside of another human being. It was not really that long and you emerged and took your first breath in this originally strange world.  Everything had substance.  Tangible.  Your entire experience of life was about to change and it would be something entirely different from what you might have expected it to be.
The journey has been a line upon line climb with each new exposure becoming an entire world of it’s own.  Fire, Water, Pain, Elation, Cold, Hunger, Warmth, Love, Disloyalty, Trust, Fear, Falling, Climbing, Exhaustion, Sleep…  I could go on and on as could you when it comes to attempting to describe all the many exposures that have the potential to transform into what seems like a life of it’s own, a journey of it’s own, A unique experience that becomes so very personal in your cataloging of what life is.
As time ticks on and those seemingly large events become almost insignificant in comparison to this even larger journal, a sort of numbness sets in as the daily routine of life filled with many of the events that used to be so unique and new but now are almost thoughtlessly common place.
The excitement of life has a way of turning to drudgery if your view of life continues to travel down the numbing path.
The inner you, cries out for some form of elating excitement or at least some form of intriguing stimulation.  As this long journey rolls by day after day after day.
This is the temporal world and it is filled with amazing tangible distractions.  Not all of which are a positive experience.  There is this incredible balance of negative and positive temporal distractions mixed with the more subtle emotional and spiritual experiences.  This information is not particularly focused on being politically correct for those who embrace atheism.  That subject can be addressed at another time.
As you look in the mirror and watch yourself age over the years, there comes time in your life when you re-evaluate how this journey is progressing.  There can be an issue at this critical moment.  That issue can assist you in determining how you perceive your self, your future and your past.  Hopefully it will be a good experience for you.  Not always is it a good experience for everyone however.
You see time has a way of imprinting upon our minds all of the images, words, external thoughts of others, internal thoughts, literature, music, scents, physical sensations and more in such a way as to assist us in describing and determining who we think we are.
According to the experiences we have been exposed to over our lifetime, we are simply left to extrapolate our own definition of self realization in a futile attempt to fill in the rest of the pieces to our own personal puzzle in order to make sense of our life.
Each life has by the mere fact of randomness, had either opportunities or trials.  Each life has also had the chance to crossover to the other side.  The one weighed down with what would seem to be the perfect life will indeed receive a fair share of trials.  The other life which seems doomed to wander without much hope will also receive some good albeit considerably less then the seemingly perfect life.
No matter how you look at each life with their struggles and opportunities, true happiness can never completely be realized while in this life of mortal distractions.  There is a pendulum that swings within our hearts and mind ever so active and capable of causing a polarity of elation or depression.
As Einstein so carefully pointed out, all things are relative.  A child might cry and become distressed to have had 12 great licks of an ice cream cone only to watch it accidentally slip off of the cone and land on the ground while another child may become overjoyed just to receive a small cup of rice as the daily ration of food for basic survival.
Our point of view has everything to do with our ability to cope with and learn from this amazing school we call planet Earth.
This school is a carefully laid out plan.  It is not for the faint of heart but it is for everyone.  Each individual has everything they need to learn from this school and pass the final exam with flying colors.  The success of their final grade in living this filled journey doesn’t come from what they have, who they think they are, who everyone else thinks they are, what they have achieved or how beautiful they are.  True success in passing this school with flying colors comes from finally understanding how this school works and who they “Really” are.
Choices are made by each student of planet Earth.  Among those choices made are resulting consequences manifest from the very core of their deepest thoughts.  Some find that thinking too deeply can become rather tedious while others may thirst with an unquenchable desire to continually seek for more and more understanding of life itself.
Suicide comes from a lack of understanding of how this amazing school functions and who they really are in the biggest picture of all.  Charity comes from the ability to sense beyond the desire of self discovery and see outside of ones self in such a way that places the thoughts and emotions of one into another shoes with a consideration of wonderment pertaining to a curiosity of how another’s trials can effecting not just one but others.
Now if you are atheist, you can be excused from further reading.  If however you have spent enough time considering science at it’s deeper possibilities that existence wasn’t just some random accident which resulted in life achieving the heights of perfection that it has, then read on.
Lets do a thought experiment.  I have a very very large ball of string.  I will hold one end while you take the other end all the way to the Moon.  That’s a lot of string but it is strong and never breaks.  Now let us have another person measure the length of this string and then proceed to the exact middle of this long and stretched out string.  Let’s ask then to take a pair of scissors and cut a piece of the string only one inch in length.  This very very small length of string in comparison to the entire length of the string represents your time spent here on “School Earth”.  The rest of the string represents before the cut, the time you have been a conscious thinking individual and the rest of the string represents after the cut represents the continuation of you as an individual.
This school is actually so much longer then you can possibly imagine.  If however you are a student which has only been to first grade and were never told about any other grades which could be experienced, then you would simply think of how long this first grade is taking but hoping someday something else might come along.
This small little one inch piece of string life may last upwards of 90 to 100 plus years or it may be a rather short experience last maybe only a few breaths.  What counts is that you actually made it to first grade and even if for a brief moment had the opportunity to become a living creature existing in the mortal tangible world.
Those who stay longer then the brief time of a few short breaths are the lucky ones for they are endowed with trials no matter how soft their life may appear which will over time teach them things they would never be able to learn in a million years hearing someone try and explain life to them verbally without the tangible dimensions involved in living “School Earth”
Your perception has everything to do with how you will experience this life and that perception can be changed at any time.
if you see life as a long experience which has nothing to offer after your last breath is taken, you have held in your hand that one inch piece of string while being completely oblivious to the fact that your experience on “School Earth” is comparatively a brief lightning bolt event in the lifespan of an ancient sea turtle.
You are simple not just a compilation of atoms, molecules, cells, organs and flesh eagerly ready to decay into the sands of time.  You are energy.  The very core of you was never created nor can it ever be destroyed.  You are that you are.  Your thought processes have existed forever and will continue to do so forever.  Your flame cannot be extinguished though some who take suicide as a relief pill from the trials of “School Earth” will quickly find that the journey has only be disrupted and the path has changed yet still the path exists.
Imagine this life if you were reaching for the best you could be and yet decided to drop out of school in the middle of first grade.  Your opportunities for growing and learning would take on a whole new direction.
Next we will talk about:
~ Light Entities
~ The First Stage with Him
~ The Limitations of Then
~ The Unity and Love
~ Taking A Chance
~ What is the Actual Secret
~ The Touch
~ Graduation
~ The Expansion and Inclusion
~ The Real Purpose of Life
~ Don’t Cut it Short There is So Much More
This is currently being written.  Please come back to read more as it is completed.
[whohit]Who Are You[/whohit]

Clinging to the Temporal World

Two mindsets exist as a paradigm shift within the same mental walls of each other, yet one seems to become more silenced as the other exerts dominion over the immediate awareness of the atmospheric surroundings.
To watch a friend die, sparks the most interesting thoughts of the perception of one’s own life…  What am I really?  Who is at the core of who I am?  How distorted is my broad outlook on what the universe really is and just exactly what part do I play in it?  How self centered and unnecessarily controlled by this 3rd dimension am I and what undesirable impulses take over what could be a perfectly centered entity?
Selfishness, hypocrisy,  dominance, ego, and the list goes on.  What am I if the temporal world becomes powerless to sway my destination?
There have been times in my life where my journey to become that perfect well centered guru that seems to have the wisdom of Yoda, finds that the path to the top of the mountain becomes saturated with enough moisture to cause the sure footing to give way as the mudslide of challenge awakens and unfolds a new reality.
There is a pendulum that swings throughout life as we journey through time.  Imagine yourself clinging to that pendulum as it swings and at the same time it is traveling through time ever moving forward…  and still, it also continues to swing to the left and to the right.  As it swings to the left the extreme stretch of that pendulum buries itself deep into darkness and for a moment pauses in the depths of the lack of light before it reverses it’s path to return to the center and beyond.  One could say that the journey would be less sickening if only the pendulum would come to rest calmly in the center but you find that to hold the center becomes an impossibility as the pendulum continues it’s sweep toward the extreme right and plunges deep into the brilliant light.
The extreme motions of going from left to right, dark to light have a way of presenting a disturbing reality, one that fosters inside of your thoughts, the desire to gain complete control over the predictable motions.  Those motions have quite the effect on the psyche.  The questions begin to run deep for those who ponder this chaotic journey.
As time burns on, we find ourselves on one side of the pendulum or the other.  Emotionally we could describe it as existing on two separate extremes.  The right or the light side of the pendulum swing, evoking joy, elation, happiness, a sense of well being, peace, abundance, satisfaction, fulfillment and so the list could continue for much longer than this page would desire to be filled.  Then we have the opposite swing into the left or the darkness where emotional torment can exist…  pain, despair, loneliness, scarcity, depression, a sense of emptiness, hunger, hatred and as well this list could become bigger than is needed for the point.
The swing continues into the other avenues of our lives…  Spirituality, where one side can create amazingly well defined clarity and the opposite side, complete confusion and worthlessness.  The energy continues to spill over into our physical existence in the form of prosperity in temporal THINGS, WEALTH, or POVERTY and even homelessness.
There was a time when I had been served by an old fashioned doctor…  He was filled with kindness and compassion and was always there when my physical needs required him.  He reminded me of the kind of old doctor you might see in the happy western movies where an invitation to dinner was payment enough for services rendered.  He had no children of his own and over time I came to view him as sort of a grandfather figure and I guess possibly from his point of view I could have filled the shoes of a surrogate grandchild.  I grew to love this man and all that he stood for.
The inevitable time came when he had reached the end of his days and was soon to pass away.  I remembered how beautiful his home was, his grand piano, his sound system, his cars…  So many things did he have that were exquisite and oh so desirable.  I found my pendulum swinging drastically to the left and into the darkness of coveting.  The thought went through my mind…  “You were like a grandson to him, he has no other family and you seem so qualified to inherit his possessions.”  To this day I look back on those thoughts with an almost horror to think they were a part of my thinking.  For all this man did for me and for that great service I received from him and I wanted more?  This indeed was a thought that I classified as dark and to the left…  unlike what I truly wanted to be like.  I never received anything of his worldly possessions at his passing and to this day I am so thankful I did not.  The emotional burden of having a dark thought such as that would have been confirmed by that actual possessions that would from that point on follow me.
Many years passed and I found myself on the older side of life, no longer a child and with the memories of such a good man and the memories of my own selfish desires not collecting dust in the papers of my mind, I felt that lesson was one of a learning nature which may have taught me a principle of giving versus taking.  I found myself over time in many situations where I gave of my time and energies to help others in need.  I had learned to be kind and to be concerned for others and felt that I had somehow arrived on the right side of the swinging pendulum where light and clarity was in abundance.
I had heard of a person at the time who was in need of several things that I knew I was qualified to assist with, and so I found myself becoming a volunteer in the service of this needy person.  There were many times when this person would call out to me and I would come to his side and offer help and consoling.  I had learned to look out for the neglected one that seemed to be neglected by others.  I had found that through my own experiences of being left out of social circles, that I would work even harder to include those that seemed on the outside.
My pendulum did not rest however in one position and as all pendulums in their active state are in a flux of motion, the pendulum I was riding through life was no different.  I found myself complaining as the calls for my assistance grew more frequent.  Though I showed up with a smile, my heart was increasingly resenting the drain on my personal time and yet I knew if I did not help, that there was no one else who would, and so I would do what had to be done.  This man considered me to be his friend and I too had feelings of friendship.  I did however, wish that there were others willing to be of service to him other than myself.
A critical time came in my friends life where he found himself hospitalized for a heart attack and on top of that he had complications from other diseases that had rendered him almost helpless.  I did what he needed doing while he had his stay in the hospital.  He was preparing to move to another place when this unexpected health issue came upon him.  He requested that I move all of his possessions to a different location as the timing of his departure and the rent due were coming to a conclusion.  My kind wife took upon herself the entire task of moving his things to my place as I did not have the time at that critical juncture.  Soon I had a room filled with everything this man possessed, awaiting his release and we were going to have it all shipped to his new location.
In 3 days I received word that his recovery which was looking so well, had taken a turn and that he was not expected to live.  His wife would be coming to my place to take care of his possessions and any other affair.
After so many years, I found my pendulum swinging again.  It was swinging back to that same place it did when my dear doctor friend passed away.
I was looking now at my friends possessions and wondering to myself…  “With all that I have done to assist this friend of my and all of the fun little things that he possessed, maybe I was entitled to have some of the things after he was gone.”  This thought immediately haunted me and I found myself, judging myself.  Not again…  Why am I feeling these feelings? I wondered to myself…  How selfish and concerned I was with “THINGS” versus my friend who was soon to leave this world.  I struggled with so many thoughts that went through my mind as it was confusing to feel coveting and sadness and service and concern and greed all at the same time.
The swinging of the pendulum has a way of creating as you might say, a loop, a re-invitation, a mirror to the past events and challenges.  I have found over the years that when I feel I have reached a plateau and become comfortable with who I think I am, the rains come again and the water washes away the stable path leaving in it’s wake a slippery footing which can lead to the sliding down of a muddy trail.  What is left in such an event is the overwhelming feeling that what you think you have achieved or conquered in the past, was nothing more than a mere illusion.
My friend did indeed pass away and his wife came to see me.  I had placed everything into categories so as to better help her understand each and every possession he had.  I had put considerable time into making it as easy for her to understand and decide what to do with his THINGS, that I had quite a sense of accomplishment in what I had done to be of assistance.  There was however, that nagging darkness of the pendulum that had taken me to the left side and I found myself hoping for her decisions to take only the most important things to her and leave the rest for me.
I had seriously pondered these thoughts I was having and worked deeply to try and resolve the two extreme sides I was experiencing…  Service and giving to her and yet greed to me.  My friend was not very wealthy, in fact, quite poor and that which he had possessed was in truth not very much.  Guilt became my friend for even thinking in any degree of greed for that which was left behind.
The challenge in life however at this very moment was something which was a blessing to me in disguise.  I had revisited greed, envy and coveting once again but now I was older and filled with many more questions and a deeper desire to understand why I was not yet immune to such feelings.
Time has a way of helping us look at the very same thing differently, given the passing chronographically etched energy that we are gifted with throughout our life.  The same lesson can be presented to us time and time again and each experience can serve to teach a completely new lesson or enhance the lessons already ingested.
This time around for me, a lesson has emerged and is still coming forth out of inspiration and contemplation.
We are human.  We serve and in turn find true joy.  When we take only… and in so doing, find emptiness.  Though one might say that this temporal world is a distraction to a higher plane of existence, a hindrance to ascending spirituality, a smoke screen to what really matters, it is not that ease of a call to make.
I watched my friend who has now since passed away become trapped into the cycle of acquiring THINGS.  There came a point in his life, that all that mattered most, was acquiring THINGS and finding joy in having energy come his way.  As I step back and observe what his path was doing to him, I learned from watching, just how empty clinging to the temporal world can be.  Though I have had my share of lessons and personal experiences with which to confirm this simple statement… “Clinging to the Temporal World” and how destructive it can become in the long run, the re-visitation of lessons, time offers as a gift, is divine.
There is balance in the pendulum and it is an essential part of become more than what we are.  We may wish to complain over the event of swinging to the dark side no matter how deep that darkness may go.  We may wish to continually exist in the light however bright we can withstand.  We will however, never become strong and developed in TRUE WISDOM if we only harbor on one side of the ocean.  This journey is a constant swing from evil to goodness, light to dark and the war is not only raging around us but within us.  The immense experience of extreme spiritual, emotional, mental and physical energy is an amazing gift spread out on the table of life serving to bring out the best and the worst in all of us.
We could stand on the sidelines of the game yelling clues, tips, pointers and advice of how to make it through life and it all may sound and be the best information possible to create the perfect result and enhancement to life…
Until we are drenched in the storm of life and ride the pendulum to it’s extremes, we will never truly understand what real wisdom is, until we are able to fully understand the darkest and lightest experiences of this life.  It is through this process that we will come to understand how to get the pendulum to finally rest, balanced in the center.
We can easily say from the sidelines that this temporal world is the problem…  or…  we can say that too much spirituality is either the best or the worst thing to balance…
Until we have a complete immersing into the energy of all that is before us, true wisdom is only an idea, a concept, a principle to be desired.
Clinging to the Temporal World is only one side of the equation. Clinging to the Spiritual World is only another side of the equation.  The equation is multifaceted and multi sided.  Until we come to a complete pause and find that we need neither spirituality nor temporal essence and at the same time we need both, will the true center of what and who we are elude us.
It is this brilliant gift of time and extreme opposites that is shaping the very image of perfection we will one day become.  Until then enjoy every moment this journey places into your hands, be it good or evil.  Know that serving others will become the final position where joy resides.  THINGS are only there to shine the light on what really lasts forever.

Other's Wisdom

Michael Tamura – Near Death Experiences and more
Views on metaphysical experience… Life after death and telepathy and more

Photonic Addiction

Photonic-Addiction-960x400Authenticity vs Counterfeit…  That is the question…  It is a very similar question as the old Shakespeare quote…  “To be or not to be”
This may be a subject you might not even want to continue reading because it may very well hit rigtht at the heart of why you are even here reading this very message?
For just a moment, think about holding a counterfeit 100 dollar bill in your hand and while doing so, hold a real authentic 100 dollar bill in the other hand.
To the untrained eye and without the proper detection methods, you may never know that one has amazing value compared to the other.  Though holding the counterfeit 100 dollar bill in your hand may create the same euphoria as holding the real 100 dollar bill at first, in time, when the final tally comes to the balance sheet, the difference is remarkably high in contrast.  One can bring significant beneficial content to your life and the other can incite significant trouble which may very well lead to the loss of your freedom or at least the loss of someone else’s freedom.
Both pieces of paper are so similar that even the thought of attempting to determine if there is even a problem may never occur to you.
At our human core is a light, a vibrating light, an eternal light that was never created for it has always been…  It is the center of who we are.  Each one of us individually has this self sustaining light…  This thinking and reasoning energy we consider to be a sentient being.  The layers upon that being are the gift given to ever soul walking on this planet…  Spirit and body layers, allowing this sentient being to interact with others and the physical world.
The combined energy of these layers are very powerful.  Though the average person may not consider themselves very powerful in comparison to other observed energies we define as powerful, the truth is, the sentient being is indeed the highest potential power of all.  When layered with the complimentary qualities of spirit and temporal body and fully tuned with complete understanding and control of what they truly are and what they are capable of, there is no comparison.
Very similar to the comparison of the real 100 dollar bill and the counterfeit, the contrasts are like night and day when the truth of what they are is revealed.
Photons are incredibly well versed in mimicry.  They have the ability to represent the perfect image of a human.  They can reproduce beauty in motion.  They can transmit information so perfectly upon a virtual piece of paper that to the untrained eye, the mind may not realize it is only photons and not real paper.  The words on the paper are the same but one can be unplugged from a power source and vanish instantly having no lasting substance.
A smile, an intimate embrace, a kind word or humorous comment, an intellectual and profound gem…  All can be given as a gift and received as the same…  Such a world of splendor awaits and sentient being thirsting for interaction between themselves and another sentient being.  This sparkling dance of intrigue that beacons like an enchanted forest calling out to the passing traveler in the night…  The images of glittering lights in the distance.  The whispers of gentle voices expressing true love that will never end.  The enticing dreams of treasures not yet found by any other living soul.  On and on does the lure of magic persist until the traveler wanders like a child chasing the brilliant iridescent butterfly to the edge of the cliff.
Photons, like magic…  Like the whispered sirens of quiet gentle voices in the distance, promising a life beyond the daily common events which normally fill a usual hour or two, attract like the most powerful magnet, the metal of our souls.
Photons appearing as brilliant light have gained the command of spiritual beings.  Through the physical eyes gifted to humans, photons dance the dance of promise, joy, peace, fun, happiness, laughter, friendship, love and even wealth of many kinds…  yet…  you cannot touch a photon.  You cannot feel the heart of a photon.  You cannot embrace a photon.  You cannot read the body language of a photon in fact you cannot feel the core energy of a photon as it is not a sentient being gifted with a spirit nor a physical body…  It does not posses the energy of a living entity.
Like the beauty of a counterfeit 100 dollar bill so carefully crafted to appear as the real original 100 dollar bill so is the world of photons.  They dance on computer screens, they induce emotional responses while occupying the television screens, they appealingly entice the attention of the one holding the security blanket mobile device.  Like Cocaine, they promise a “REAL” world of splendor and lasting joy, yet they are completely incapable of creating any energy whatsoever that can be detected as tangibly real let alone offering energies that are intrinsically present if “REAL” lifeforms.
They are the dark whisper of artificial intelligence without last substance.
You might say…  “They are only transferring information which has been provided by a real and tangible being though!”
Yes that is true, for they only bring that which has intentionally been previously created or is immediately created for the offering to another sentient being..  amazing technology allowing the interconnection of other lives near and distant…  A miracle you might say…  and yet…
If tonight a photons ability to become energized by electrical forces ceased……………………
What would become of the grand counterfeit energies so abundantly shared around this entire planet?
This is not a mind game to attack progress or technology.  This is a shift in true thought…  True feelings…  True touch…  True whispers…  True love…  True kindness…  True friendships.
Unlike the counterfeit 100 dollar bill, the real 100 dollar bill will stand the test of time and value.
The core light that centers every living creature cannot be counterfeited nor can it be entreated with artificial counterfeit energy and remain with a lasting effect.
Personal energy is real and lasting.  Interaction between two living entities is more than the exchange of words, visual cues, taste, smell, touch or hearing.  There is a deeper and more profound energy that exchanges between creatures of real life and it cannot be replicated by photons or any other inanimate object or technology.  The energy of life goes far beyond the surface detentions and is sensed by the trained heart.  True love, joy, compassion, understanding, kindness and all other attributes that blossom from the human soul and the creatures abounding upon planet Earth can only be germinated from life itself, from that core light that has by far more power than one can explain.
Though we might feel a sensation of euphoric bliss walking around with $10,000. in 100 dollar bills, in time the emptiness of the realization that they were all counterfeit soon turns to windswept sand leaving no trace of lasting value.
The addiction to photons can also become a windswept folly of extravagant glitter only to fade with the passing of time.
Though true personal relationships require more time, energy and effort to nourish in person and though the difficulty of navigating the trials of compatibility can tax the very soul and it’s strengths, the effort can be an extreme value lasting into eternity.
If the choice were given to you to receive 100 dollars in the right hand or 10 thousand dollars in the left hand, which would you choose?
Would you still choose the 10 thousand if it were fully disclosed to you that it was all counterfeit?
Have you ever found yourself on one side or the other of the distractive photon addiction, either neglecting the person in the same room over the choice of the screen’s tantalizing offerings or being neglected by the same?  The divide of the chasm grows wider and wider as the photons consume the attention and personal time pf interacting with a real soul.  The artificial light though enticing and often beautiful is only a candle visually without the heat, without true lasting value.
If one cannot become skilled in the detection process of the true heart, the heart can grow cold leaving only a shadowy image of what love and kindness could have been.
When you or this planet passes away and the only thing left is the eternal you, will you remember what it was like or what it can be like to interact with real life?  For that, “REAL” life and real living energy is the only thing that has lasting eternal implications of value.
Dont’ let the Photonic Addiction like a silent thief in the night, steal away everything that has true and lasting meaning to you.  Unplug, power down and find another life form and engage in real living energy.  The more Fireflies that gather into one place, the more light, energy and power will exist.

Firefly Popularity


Have you ever looked on as an individual seemingly had the world, however large or small that world was at the time, by the tail?  You know, that person that seems to stand out in the crowd…  The one that everybody talks about?  The one that everybody seems to really like a lot?
A famous actress or actor…  A famous musician or artist…  A popular politician that appears to hold great power…  That guru or spiritual leader that seems to posses wisdom beyond the average thinker…  The author that becomes a sensation almost overnight and rises to the heights of wealth, The Miracle Sports figure?…  All holding what many would describe as a coveted position.
What is true popularity and how and when does one finally arrive at the pedestal of honor, especially with so much competition and so many many people to compete against on this planet. (more…)