Power Of The Shofar

Power Of The Shofar: Brand Thornton & CE MacPherson © 2020
This Shofar is a special one and the man behind it is a man of great faith. He has been to many places where the children of God were in deep despair. There are many stories tied to this man and the Shofar where angels were known to come to the rescue of those in need against circumstances that meant life or death. This moment in time was captured for you to understand and feel what occurs when he comes to the rescue of one who stands in need of God’s support where the odds are very unbalanced against the innocent. This was one such occasion.
The shofar was blown in the times of Joshua to help him capture Jericho. As they surrounded the walls, the shofar was blown and the Jews were able to capture the city. The shofar was commonly taken out to war so the troops would know when a battle would begin. The person who would blow the shofar would call out to the troops from atop a hill. All of the troops were able to hear the call of the shofar from their position because of its distinct sound.

Lessons From The Deep

Lessons From The Deep:

While observing a deep sea creature, I noticed the flowing little tentacles which all seemed different and yet similar as they were tossed about by the under sea current.

A thought came to me that we here on Earth are somewhat similar as those individual strands of this creature and yet like the creature, we are also actually part of a larger entity.

We are not islands but are all connected together and our energies contribute to the well being of each other in a much bigger way than what we normally perceive.

We are truly one when we consider the bigger picture.


Cascade Springs Nature Music Meditation

“Ponds Of Kansas” is one of about 20 new projects we are working on.  I think you’ll love the new ones, they are going to take a while as they are big projects.


Until we post the new videos, we hope you enjoy this little tiny meditation sample below.

Restore Balance in your life with this 1 hour meditation, relaxation, de-stress video.  Take a power nap or simply regain peace in your life and enjoy this nice simple piece of yoga style energy.