Become The Jedi

How powerful is “Thought “


I just spent over an hour with a person on the phone who has an amazing idea that could change the way people do things.  I could see the advantages of bringing this concept to fruition.  As we engaged in this conversation, my mind became flooded with my inner memories and teachings that I have acquired over the years.  Though I could see the vision of a future success in the subject at hand, there was a pause within my heart…  An energy of imbalance was in the air.  It wasn’t long before I found myself drifting in the sea of self centering.  Success as the forecasting dream of the conversation, attempted to paint and expand of a future of amazement, caution, became the choice of words with which to describe this moment. (more…)

It isn't "Fair"

unfairIt isn’t “Fair”…  How many times have we heard that phrase?  Maybe a child has slipped the comment in when things didn’t seem to go their way.  Maybe it was someone expanding on the subject with a varied twist like”how could a loving God allow such things to happen.  She didn’t deserve to have that happen to her…  or  It isn’t “Fair” that the rich and corrupt get away with so much while others suffer…
On and on the comments can thrive in their own little pond of understanding…  but…
Just how big is that pond of understanding?
Our universe is in perfect balance…  There is nothing added to it or taken away…  It is perfection in it’s inventory.koi-pond-bg

Finding Happiness

The Story of Two Sons

Joseph lived 8000 miles from me.
Leo lived 80 steps from me.
One was stolen from his family.
One stole from his family.
One served people.
One hurt people.
One ran from seducing women.
One ran to seduce women.
One was unjustly imprisoned.
One unjustly abused prisoners.
One became the ruler of a nation.
One broke rules of a nation.
One saved thousands of people from death.
One ended his own life in suicidal death.

Their secret to happiness?

Joseph of Egypt served selflessly.
Leo served himself selfishly.

We can discover our own secret.

We can truly Love life… We are so rich.
We are not in the vacuum of space.
We have water.
we have sunlight.
we have people around us.
we can interact and choose to love.
we have bodies.
Go out one day and look closely at grass with dew drops, honey bees, jumping spiders, doves flying in the morning, butterflies, mountain meadows, waterfalls, children playing.
Listen to the songs of birds, crickets chirping in August, rain during a spring shower, wind dancing with Aspen leaves.
electricity, and so much more.
How nice that we don’t live in a snake infested jungle with many dangerous creatures.
How nice it is not to have angry enemies at our back door.
We still have some form of freedom and above all we have road maps of ancient records bringing forgotten truths.
We have a real live living father, creator who cares about our future, our improvement and our happiness.
He has not . . . nor ever will forget us.
Broken expectations are the stumbling blocks of true happiness.
There is a creator with a perfect plan that leads to real happiness.
How many people had broken expectations when right before their eyes Jesus didn’t rescue them all from the tyranny of the Romans. One might think Jesus was a failure when living in that era. One might think life too depressing to enjoy after the death of the savior.
Though we can not at the present see the larger picture God has painted, True faith in his plan will lead to true trust that he is ever present in the mission of our lives.
Our responsibility is to learn as much of him as possible. Once we know him we will know true happiness and where to find it, how to love others and how to make each day a day we can find a reason to love life come what may.
Make a change in your daily ritual.
Take time to listen and converse with an elderly person about what they want to talk about.
Feed a beggar and leave him with a book filled with wisdom.
Give fruit to a neighbor child caught steeling from your garden and say loving words.
Take time to hug others, to smile, to sing a lullaby to someone at bedtime, call an old friend just to say “you were on my mind.”
The real test of Earth life is not how many commandments we break or keep but how we interact with and treat humanity.
Once we discover true charity we will truly be able to love life for what it really is.
By aligning our values away from the persuit of money, things and status, by turning our hearts toward the overlooked simple things of life we will truly be prepared for “Come what may and love it.”
Actually I have learned a secret to loving others… If you play on the positive tight rope and even make comments that seem ego driven but actually are based on self love and appreciation for who you are… The rest of yourself will begin to believe how wonderful you are and that in turn becomes energy that spills over and allows you to love others so much better.
[whohit]Finding Happiness[/whohit]

E = mc²

E = mc 2

Light is energy 670 Million Miles per hour.
The speed of light: 186000 Miles per second.
A bit fast for anyone to run and catch up to it…  but if you could?  what then would happen to the matter that makes up your body?
Speed is the key here…  Whether the speed attained of any object is traveling in one direction or vibrating in a more predictable location, it is speed which becomes the magic element of the transformation.  This is the bridge between matter and energy.
If matter is accelerated to the speed of light fully encompassing all of its mass, it will transform into energy or in other words light, electromagnetic radiation.
The opposite holds true…  if energy is existing at a speed slower than the speed of light, it also will transform.  It will transform into mass or matter.
If we were efficient at making this transformation complete with no errors in the process, we would find that matter would hold within it’s embodiment so much more energy than you could imagine.  Coming from say a small part of mass or matter…  say a spoonful of water if efficiently transformed could create enough power to light all of New York city.
Energy equals Mass times the square of the speed of light.  Simply put, Mass or matter is one in the same as energy or light.
What this means is…  If you could harness light or energy and command it to obey your every command, you could use it to control mass or matter.  It is easy to ask a beam of light to disrupt mass and cause it to transform into something else.  A high powered Laser beam can be directed at matter and cause that matter to melt or catch fire but nonetheless to transform.  Transform is the key word here… not disappear… for matter cannot be destroyed but merely changed into another form.
Let me give you something to think about:
You have a body of mass or matter.  Somewhere inside is the elusive magic that makes you different from a rock.  You are wondrously thinking and reasoning, whereas the rock is not.
Looking into both your bodies, you and the rock, you both share something in common…  You are both made of atoms and those atoms at their very heart are controlled by light / energy.
That difference between you and the rock is the magic of life…  Your Intelligence or in other words thinking and reasoning light / energy.
Imagine if you will a simple mind exercise.
Erase your body and everything you can see that is made of mass or matter and all you have left is space…  but still there is no erasing the core of who or what you are…  Your thinking and reasoning side…  The part of you that does all of the thought processes.
light two candles and bring the flames together…  They become one flame and a larger one at that.  Light loves light and will seek it’s own.  Light is mass which vibrates or travels at the speed of light.  Your very center core is light but with the ability to think and reason or in other words vibrate at various frequencies…  You are light…  Light seeks its own…  Light can be controlled and from a different perspective, light can encompass mass and cause it to speed up thus creating more light…  light can control mass.  increase the light energy that is a part of you and you become an embodied entity of light.
With more gathered light surrounding your thinking core, you can progress into light controlling matter…  All one in the same and you will find beneath your physical body is a mirrored body of light.  Your body is controlled by that mirrored body of light and your body of light is controlled by your Intelligence which is made of light but with the extra feature of thinking and reasoning.  This intelligence is the engine that is at the center of you.
The very center of you is light which controls more light which controls matter.  Do you see?
Your thoughts are capable of fully controlling your physical body, healing it, improving it or just the opposite… causing sickness and even death.  There is so much more power within you than you know.
If you believe in a supreme creator, use this thought exercise and work through the process it would have taken a thinking and reasoning Intelligence to be able to control light and then matter and in time create this physical Universe as you now know it.  This really is a simple thought exercise that can truly open your mind.  You are made of the same thing that supreme creator is made of and like children to a father, it only takes time to learn all of the secrets to controlling the Universe of physics.
E = mc 2   
is why life is.  Death is only a transformation.  Your energy may separate from your physical body but in the end you will never lose one micro particle that makes up who you are… in fact you may gain as you progress through eternity gathering more light and energy as you become more than you could possibly imagine.
The goal of complete happiness is to allow your Intelligence to exist at high speed energy and slow speed matter at the same time.  This tiny journey of Earth is but a small moment in your journey throughout forever.
Don’t forget however the full equation of E = mc 2     because just to take you one step further…  This thought exercise was simplified to help you get some sort of understanding…  and now we finalize it all with finishing of the equation….  In order to actually attain Mass or Matter transforming into energy we have to take it one step further by finishing the equation…  The squared part of the equation takes the speed of transformation up to 90 Quadrillion.  The Mass of the nucleus turning into energy…  Energy and Matter all one in the same…  The only difference?  Speed.

I Can Do It

Louise L. Hay:  When you are ready for real positive change in your life, this wonderful lady teaches you how to completely change the way you see life and life will completely see you change.
Sure you might think… “This is too simple, or cheese or just plain dumb!”  It is not… Remember in the Old Testament the story of looking upon the snake to be healed but so many did not because it was too simple and to them probably stupid and would never work anyway.
Life is made of light and light is controlled by thought.  When you finally realize how easy creation was from the beginning and what the true energy is that is responsible for creation you will see the magic in this information.
[whohit]I Can Do It[/whohit]

Cheetahs and Gazelles :

Predator Inspection: Remember that phrase… I’ll get back to it in a moment…
Dreams do not always happen when we are asleep.  The reality of living can often have a great impact on how we perceive the energy of life.  It may be years before we see a conscious event for the lesson that it actually was.  Time has a way of embedding reality into the subconscious where dreams live and dance continually.
There is an interesting phenomenon that seems to be an integral part of planet Earth… It seems there is no living creature exempt from its power and influence.
Yes there is a time and place where this so called power does not exist but it cannot be found here this day on Earth… The holy grail which is the opposite of the subject here, is an entirely different story.  This phenomenon I speak of can, however be recognized and avoided if one so chooses to do so but the effort comes at an extreme price of watching oneself constantly to safeguard the quiet trap that is constantly set for the unaware victim.
What is this phenomenon?  What is this power?  You define it.  You give it a name…  Read on…
Cheetahs and Gazelles… Such an interesting relationship… One the prey and one the predator…
Gazelle1If this relationship is carefully observed and hopefully understood, if only on a simple childlike basic understanding, to the observer, this relationship is easily transposed, overlaid, compared and noted in relationships that have nothing to do with animals in the wild.
As a child, I was not privileged to be granted the ultimate in stature and health as during my early infant years the general consensus of the medical industry was concerned with eradicating the disease Polio.
What resulted from this sweeping desire to contain and destroy this disease was an oversight of how to do it. This oversight resulted in administering the live Polio virus to children in small doses in hopes of triggering the immune system to fight and build a defense against the virus… little did they realize that this, in some children would do just the opposite.
As time slipped away, I found that some of the simple things for some, were not as easy for me.  Oh, I did forget to mention that there were a few miracles that occurred in my life which kept me from remaining paralyzed.  The doctors had said I would never walk or talk but through what I call miracles of a spiritual nature, my father would often describe me through the years as his child that… Well in his words…  “You can’t catch him or shut him up.”
I did find however that when being among my peers that the tables seemed somewhat imbalanced.  My size and strength were not always equal to that of my peers and by Kindergarten, my parents made the decision to hold me back a year.
Time rolled on and I found all too often that the interaction between children did not always have a silver lining.  It became quite clear to me that kindness was not always the default behavior during social interaction. In fact, there were times when the nature of the predator became instincts which I had the privilege of experiencing first hand.
Too many of us so called humans have had experiences in which we have found ourselves the center of attention and not always in the positive light that we so cleverly imagine in our innocent dreams of finding praise and importance.
Such experiences if viewed in a different light have immense similarities to the wild kingdom.  The kingdom where nature plays predator against prey…  Cheetah against Gazelle…
Think back in your own history…  Have you ever found yourself on one side of the caution tape or the other?
Have you ever been the victim of antagonism from peers of your own species or have you ever found that you were the one creating the energy of antagonism?
This predator vs prey dance that happens from the smallest life form to the most intelligent, doesn’t just spring forth out of instinct or innocence.  Sure there are the basic needs of the animal kingdom for sustenance…  but there is an underlying current which goes so much deeper that it breeches the very nature of cooperative life.
So many humans desire the perfect dream of peace, prosperity and meaningful relationships and yet, look around and you will notice that the fairy tale life is almost non existent.
What is indeed a more obvious picture is that of the common energy of chaos.  Let’s start small first off…
A school filled with young people, some quite gentle and kind while others quite the opposite.  I, being one of them in time found that I had a place among the general populous even in the similitude of that of an African natural plain filled with all manner of life’s variety…  Different colors, different attitudes, different motives which pushed their goals toward the kind of future they desired to create for themselves.
This underlying current of colorful desires intermingling in the river of young social lives, often created unseen currents beneath the visible calm of the social waters.  I, on occasion, found myself caught within those currents and not all of them were of the inviting warmth of the sun but held less reassuring outcomes.  Cruelty seems the most prevalent  description useful to lay claim to the nature of behaviors poured out upon myself and others not so willing to become predators of other innocent souls.
When one observes the cunning of the Cheetah with dangerous grace ever so quietly lurking on the fringes of the Gazelle herd, the obvious nature of what is about to happen is hard to miss unless you are so new to life that you have yet to experience the taking of a life to sustain another.Cheetah2
So it is with human nature as it matures in the hearts of growing souls…  Some take upon themselves the role of the predator while others become the prey.
One from a distant observation might jest that to be a member of the prey category is to also embrace the losing party and on the other hand that same observer may very well suggest that the only team worth being a part of is the predator because as a general rule, they always win.
The real question that deserves introspective is…  Which category is actually the winner?  The warrior or the peacemaker?
At one point in the game of life, I found myself in the company of the prey and always with a cautious watchful eye for that ever so present danger of a lurking predator.  Many attempts were made by predators to bring me down, destroy my inner self worth, devastate my social reputation and insight other predators to join in the hunt.
There by chance came the opportunity for me to dawn on Cheetah’s clothing and join in the hunt for the prey.  The opportunity came easier than expected when I realized that wearing a facade of darkness could win me a coalition of other predators willing to follow me to the kill.
The prey?, a simple minded individual new to the tried and tested community…  without much to offer in the way of beauty or anything else seemingly desirable to the cause of common collective fellowship.  It was easy to torment this person as he had eyebrows that prehistorically carried the look of a Neanderthal man and oh so hastily we dubbed him the monkey man.  We stalked him and lurked around his very small arena of safety until he was so cornered that he had no safe haven anywhere as we were able to intrude upon all of his safe zones.  The torment was a double edged sword which brought pleasure to the coalition of insensitive beasts and adversely rained down fear and misery on this sole prey which became our unjust target.
I became the lead Cheetah continually inciting  the aggression in the hunt of an innocent victim or in other words…  Had I been a Cheetah and he the Gazelle.  My coalition of Cheetah’s would have surely had him as our kill each fighting for a piece with which to satisfy our hunger.
Cheetah-3aI found that wearing the costume of a Cheetah brought safety and reassurance to one who was once also considered the prey.  As long as I paraded my bright yellow background and deep spots of darkness, I was immune from being mistaken as the prey.
Remember that phrase I promised to get back to you with it in a moment? … Predator Inspection:
Predator Inspection is a very interesting thing that happens when a herd of Gazelles is surrounded or stalked by a coalition of Cheetahs…  Despite the increased danger to the Gazelle, an interesting behavior erupts when the tension of being hunted increases…  The Gazelle instead of running will turn as if in enhanced curiosity toward it’s predator and begin what some would refer to as an inspection of the predator.
This behavior although risky in nature seems to have an unseen power with which to defuse the predator’s focus.  Instead of becoming a fun entertaining game for the predator to run and pounce after a frightened, “on the run prey”, the prey turns and faces the enemy in such a way that the entire focus of the kill seems completely disrupted.
Liken this to a secret sin that might be kept quiet behind closed doors where the thrill of “wrong doing” almost becomes more entertaining that the actual sin itself.  The alcoholic secretly drinking against the wishes of the family.  The burglar cautiously entice to the thrill of a midnight break in.  The poacher desiring to bring down the creature while doing such against the wishes of the law…  So is the nature of the predator.
If the prey is a willing participant and does it’s assigned part of being filled with fear and fleeing for safety, the hunt becomes a living entity all and completely in itself, a thrill beyond just the simple kill.
Predator Inspection:  This is what happens when the prey refuses to take upon itself the role of the prey. The Prey instead, now turns to face the enemy and does so in such a way that the entire thrill of the hunt is disrupted and the focus is broken thus resulting in a deflation of the entertainment of the hunt.
This is where I found myself one day as I stalked and pounced upon my prey…  I was confronted with these simple words…  The Prey turned to me and said… “What do you have against me?”  The prey had replied to my advances…
This was not supposed to happen…  This was out of the ordinary…  disturbing to the hunt…  disruptive to the process of the kill…  The prey is not supposed to act this way…  Respond… This is not how the game is played…
I was so taken back that I was left speechless…  Speechless…  For some time I just stared into the eyes of my prey and tried to understand what had just happened?  After a time I did the only thing I could think to do…
I responded…  “I don’t know?”  I said to my prey sheepishly…  “I don’t know?”
I was so taken back by the prey’s response that all I was left with was confusion which soon morphed into an apology.
It wasn’t long and the Gazelle that I had been hunting for so long, invited me to graze in his pasture…
I removed my Cheetah’s clothing and joined him.  It was a peaceful meadow filled with a stream and wild gazelleflowers figuratively.  I became his friend…  In fact we became best friends and the risk of removing the Cheetah costume and facing the fear of becoming the prey again was far outweighed by the new and intriguing friendship that had been born of honesty and kindness.
I have since spent my days in the pasture of the prey.  I have embraced becoming a peacemaker and have become a winner by far by immersing myself in charity and concern for others feelings and how they would wish to be treated.
In the long run, it never hurts to have the power of a predator in order to protect oneself and loved ones from unseen threats but the winner will always be the peacemaker.
copyright A Book Of Dreams


Life is an abundant spring filled with the moisture of life and wisdom.  If you are quiet and embody peace, listen to nature speak ever so quietly, be still and allow light energy to flow through you,…
You will find there is indeed an actual force that binds us and surrounds us and breaths life and wisdom into each of us…
but…  it is ever so gentle and requires a gentle soul, a gentle temperament, the ability to be easily entreated and filled by the creator of all, for that very creator is life and light itself and that creator is focused on you becoming the highest you, the highest entity this Universe possesses.

Yin Yang
