Worst Day Ever

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A Brooklyn girl’s poem is taking over the Internet.
Chanie Gorkin, a 17-year-old about to enter the 12th grade at the Lubavitch high school Beth Rivkah, originally wrote the poem entitled “Worst Day Ever?” for an assignment at school.
“I don’t think there is such a thing as the worst day ever,” Gorkin told 1010 WINS in an exclusive interview Monday. “I wanted to show how your day is really based on how you look at things.”The poem is inspired by Talmudic teachings.
“It comes from Hasidic philosophy, which I learn daily and try to take to heart, so I try my best to live what I wrote,” Gorkin said.
The complex poem contains a surprise. From top to bottom it reads negatively, but when read in reverse the message drastically changes.
“It took me a few hours [to write],” Gorkin said. “I was scribbling, erasing, writing, trying to figure out how to make it work both ways.”
The poem reads:
Today was the absolute worst day ever
And don’t try to convince me that
There’s something good in every day
Because, when you take a closer look,
This world is a pretty evil place.
Even if
Some goodness does shine through once in a while
Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.
And it’s not true that
It’s all in the mind and heart
True happiness can be attained
Only if one’s surroundings are good
It’s not true that good exists
I’m sure you can agree that
The reality
My attitude
It’s all beyond my control
And you’ll never in a million years hear me say
Today was a very good day
Now read it from bottom to top, the other way,
And see what I really feel about my day.
It was posted online last year as part of a contest on PoetryNation.com, but went viral after it was recently spotted hanging on a wall in North London by a man who then tweeted it out. It garnered thousands of shares and made its way onto Facebook.

 Backwards PoemThe poem has been viewed more than 1.3 million times on imgur.com.

Gorkin said she is overwhelmed by the response.
“I knew that it was shared on Facebook before and people liked it, but I didn’t know it was going around like this,” Gorkin said. “I was kind of overwhelmed, but I’m happy that so many people were inspired.”
She hopes her message will continue to spread.
“I’m very happy that so many people got this message and if it made people think a little more and inspire people to change their perspective then I’m very happy,” Gorkin said. “I just hope that if people were really inspired by this then they should try to do something to inspire other people and spread this attitude everywhere.”

Why Spirituality

When seeking to climb a mountain and plant your flag on top, it is always important to open the map, take a guide, look up to make sure you are on the highest peak before planting that flag. There is one who can show the way to all the highest peaks and he has already given the maps to achieve this.

© A Book Of Dreams LLC.

[whohit]Why Spirituality[/whohit]

The Parable of The Dirty Dishes

The Parable of The Dirty Dishes
Dirty dishes are usually dirtied by more than one person but it seems like only one person is willing to clean them. They come and clean them happily, the job is done quickly and then they feel free to go on.
Everyone gets to enjoy the clean dishes. Some people see the dishes and find the ones they dirtied and only wash those. They feel justified in a job well done. However, the mess still exists and they hope someone will finish the job, anyone but them…..it needs to be done by the one who is responsible!
Justice can then be served.
In the mean time, the feeling of the dishes needing to be done lingers on and no one feels free to go on until they are done. Sometimes someone sees the dirty dishes in the sink and they say, ‘I washed those last time, it is someone else’s turn to wash them’, so, everyone judges everyone else of being the slacker. Everyone is stuck because everyone believes it isn’t their turn and if they do the dishes, the scales of justice will not be balanced!
How can we live in peace when the scales are lopsided? No matter how we try to balance the scales of justice, we may never accomplish it for we always are dirtying another dish.
There is only one who can come and tip the scales so they will not be lopsided. He did this years ago so that no matter how many dishes you dirty and how good or willing you have become to wash the dishes, He can make up for where we slack.
Because of Him, anyone can come and wash the dishes and everyone can enjoy the benefit of the clean dishes.
Forgiveness is like that. It is all encompassing in that it blesses the sinner and the victim for aren’t we all sinners and victims? The more willing we become to repent and forgive, even if we didn’t do all of the dirtying, the better we become at accessing the benefits of forgiveness and the more everyone is free to go on!
W.H. MacPherson
© A Book Of Dreams LLC.
[whohit]Dirty Dishes[/whohit]