Dream Big

ABookOfDreams-bigDream Big!  Believe in yourself.  Your energy will shine right through to the world!  They will believe in you too!
Re-Engineer your life so that your thoughts become the path that you will travel.  Realize that this path you travel, can be everything you have dreamed life can be.
Talking to yourself in a positive and uplifting way even if you don’t at first believe what you are saying, in time your mind will have no choice to believe your self talk and the power of the brain and your intellect will work to bring to pass the words you have been playing in your mind until there is complete truth to your programming.
Below is a great little video of a young child enacting the self programming by discussing how special she is in front of her mirror.

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Dream Big!  Believe in yourself.  Your energy will shine right through to the world!  They will believe in you too!

Re-Engineer your life so that your thoughts become the path that you will travel.  Realize that this path you travel, can be everything you have dreamed life can be.

[whohit]Dream Big[/whohit]

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